divendres, 25 de febrer del 2011

An aeration energy model for an immersed membrane bioreactor

B. Verrechta, S. Judda,*, G. Guglielmib, C. Brepolsc, J.W. Mulderd


A simple model for evaluating energy demand arising from aeration of an MBR is presented based on a combination of empirical data for the membrane aeration and biokinetic modelling for the biological aeration. The model assumes that aeration of the membrane provides a proportion of the dissolved oxygen demanded for the biotreatment.
The model also assumes, based on literature information sources, a linear relationship between membrane permeability and membrane aeration up to a threshold value, beyond which permeability is unchanged with membrane aeration. The model was benchmarked against two full-scale plant to obtain the most appropriate and conservative value of the slope of the flux:aeration curve and the blower efficiency. Benchmarking in this way produced a match to within 20% of all key process plant operational parameters.
The model demonstrated that significant reductions in aeration energy could be obtained through operation at lower flux and reducing the membrane aeration requirement accordingly, so-called ‘‘proportional aeration’’ at lower flows. Similarly, increasing oxygen transfer from membrane aeration would also be expected to decrease energy demand. A sensitivity analysis of some of the key parameters revealed that, of the key
operating parameters, loading, SOTE and MLSS concentration remain the most critical in determining energy demand. It is suggested that a key parameter representing membrane aeration in MBRs is the mean in-module air upflow velocity U, since this gives a reasonable representation of the shear applied through membrane aeration. U was found to vary between 0.04 and 0.1 m/s across a number of modern large pilot and fullscale plant.
An analysis reveals that significant reductions in energy demand are attained through operating at lower MLSS levels and membrane fluxes. Evidence provided from recent controlled pilot trials implies that halving the flux can reduce the aeration is suggested whereby the number of membrane tanks on line and/or the membrane aeration intensity is adjusted according to the flow, and thus flux, so as to reduce the overall aeration energy demand.

Interessant article de'n Simon Judd!!!!!

1 comentari:

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